今年論壇主題是「後疫情時代教育與未來工作的交叉點」(The Crossroads of Education & Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic Era)。我們關注教育如何影響未來的人才、公司及組織,如何把握機遇、應付挑戰,以培養當下及將來所需的人才及相關技能。我們將共同思考如何構建面向未來的教育體系,以讓我們更好地面對複雜而充滿不確定性的未來。
首屆本地論壇於 2020 年舉行,由香港聯合國教科文組織協會和平中心主辦,主題為「教育的未來:工業 4.0 及以後」,報告已在聯合國全球契約網站上發表。
#FuturesOfEducation #FutureofWork #UNESCOHKGPC #UNESCO #Education #Sciences #Culture #HK
今年論壇主題是「後疫情時代教育與未來工作的交叉點」(The Crossroads of Education & Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic Era)。我們關注教育如何影響未來的人才、公司及組織,如何把握機遇、應付挑戰,以培養當下及將來所需的人才及相關技能。我們將共同思考如何構建面向未來的教育體系,以讓我們更好地面對複雜而充滿不確定性的未來。
首屆本地論壇於 2020 年舉行,由香港聯合國教科文組織協會和平中心主辦,主題為「教育的未來:工業 4.0 及以後」,報告已在聯合國全球契約網站上發表。
#FuturesOfEducation #FutureofWork #UNESCOHKGPC #UNESCO #Education #Sciences #Culture #HK
Technology’s impact on the shifting work landscape
「教育的未來」香港和大灣區論壇 2021籌委會委員
Ms. Donna Buckland
「教育的未來」香港和大灣區論壇 2021籌委會主席
香港聯合國教科文組織協會和平中心管理委員會策略及發展主席 開發策略委員會主席
雷添良先生, SBS, JP
證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (證監會) 主席
倪以理先生, JP
亞洲協會香港中心 行政總監
益普索香港 執行總監
「教育的未來」香港和大灣區論壇 2021籌委會委員
「教育的未來」香港和大灣區論壇 2021籌委會委員
聯合國教科文組織協會和平中心 前機構聯絡及研究出版召集人
Microsoft 香港有限公司 區域科技長
香港高等教育科技學院 校長
Mr. Raghav Gupta
Coursera 印度及亞太地區 總經理
陳達文博士, SBS
Darwin Chen was responsible for the establishment of several professional arts companies and museums while serving as Director of Cultural Service of the Hong Kong Government in the 70’s and 80’s. He subsequently served as Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing, Deputy Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Commissioner of Labour and Director of Buildings and Lands. He was former Chairman of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and currently serves as Emeritus President of the UNESCO Hong Kong Association.
Dr. Chen serves on the board of many charitable organizations in Hong Kong and Mainland China as well as international non-profit bodies, including Habitat for Humanity China, Plan International (Hong Kong), Amity Foundation, Bright China Foundation, Hong Kong Christian Service, and St. Christopher’s Home. He is also Senior Advisor to the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong and council member of the Centennial College.
Awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences (honoris causa) by the University of Hong Kong, Chen is also an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong University of Education and Honorary University Fellow of the University of Hong Kong. He was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong SAR Government in recognition of his community service. He also received the award of AII China Outstanding Philanthropic Worker from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Chinese Government.
Professor Kai-Ming Cheng is Professor Emeritus at the University of Hong Kong, Hon Director of Education Policy Unit at the Faculty of Education. He was Chair Professor of Education, Dean of Education, Vice-President and Senior Advisor to the President of HKU. He taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Education as Visiting Professor for ten years.
He was a school teacher in Physics and Mathematics, and a school principal, before he pursued doctoral study at the London Institute of Education. He has been consultant with the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, IIEP and ADB. His research started with underdeveloped rural villages in China, India and Africa. He has been involved in institutional evaluation and accreditation, policy discussion and training in various jurisdictions, recently in China, Mongolia, Cambodia, Kazakhstan and Vietnam.
He lectures at the National Academy of Education Administration, Beijing, and SKOLKOVO, Moscow. Since 2013, he hosts the annual Summer Institute: Higher Education for Tomorrow at HKU for senior leaders in higher education from various countries. His current attention is on the fundamental changes in society and their challenges to education, and focusses on learning as the core business of education.
He is on the Global Advisory Boards of various international organisations: National Council for Education and the Economy, (US); Global Science of Learning Education Network (US), and Yidan Prize (Hong Kong, Convenor). He is member of China Education 30 Forum, which is a think-tank cum advocate in China. Locally he was member of the Education Commission and was instrumental in the comprehensive reform which started 1999. He has delivered hundreds of keynotes around the world. He writes columns in Hong Kong Economic Journal Daily and Shanghai Education, and for three years in Escuela (Spain).
曼徹斯特大學 曼徹斯特商業管理學院 Banking Director for Social Responsibility and Engagement 高級講師
Ismail Ertürk is Senior Lecturer in Banking and Director of Chinese Banking Programmes at Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. He acted as Director for Social Responsibility and Engagement at AMBS. His research interests are socially useful finance, central banking, banking, financial regulation, corporate governance, and cultural political economy.
He has co-authored and co-edited four books, including one by Oxford University Press on the 2007 banking crisis, and numerous interdisciplinary academic articles in leading social science journals. He participated in funded research programmes including European Social and Economic Models of Knowledge Economy, Centre for Research into Socio-cultural Change, European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
He has undertaken advisory work for companies and government institutions internationally and has developed and directed senior banking programmes for the leading international banks including the largest Chinese banks.
He has held various international visiting teaching and research positions. He sits on the boards of art organisations and non-profit organisations with social purpose. He regularly appears in international media including BBC and Bloomberg to comment on finance and economy.
Professor Yiu-Kwan Fan is Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Emeritus Professor, Hong Kong Baptist, University.
Professor Fan was Executive Director of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) (2008-2013); Honorary Professor of Economics, School of Economics and Finance of The University of Hong Kong (2007-2008); Vice-President (Development) (2003-2007) and Dean of School of Business (1986-2003) of Hong Kong Baptist University. Before joining Hong Kong Baptist University, he had held faculty positions at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Southern California and The University of Hong Kong.
Professor Fan has served on numerous boards and committees of public bodies and professional organizations. Currently, he is Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, and Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association. He was awarded the Justice of the Peace (2000) and the Bronze Bauhinia Star Award (2005) by the Government of HKSAR.
Eugene serves as the director and Deputy General Manager of Junefair Group which specializes in buildings’ electrical services and wholesale of electrical cables in Hong Kong and Macau. He is a member of CPA Australia and a fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia.
Eugene is active in community affairs, holding leadership positions in government advisory bodies, schools, youth groups, church and related bodies, trade associations, NGOs and charitable organizations.
香港聯合國教科文組織協會 副會長
聯合國教科文組織本土文化及創意教育研究觀測所 前總監
香港演藝學院 前副校長
Professor Samuel Leong (PhD) has led a multifarious, interdisciplinary and international career over the past 40 years spanning education, performance, health, media, technology, business and administration. As a professor of interdisciplinary arts, he has contributed to over 100 publications and given invited presentations on five continents including the World Creativity Summit, World Learning Conference and World Alliance for Arts Education Global Summit.
Born in Singapore, he is an Honorary Rotarian and co-founder of the UNESCO HK Glocal Peace Centre. His current projects focus on life arts and sustainable entrepreneurship.
證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (證監會) 主席
Mr. Lui is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.
Mr. Lui is a Fellow Member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and a Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He was elected President of HKICPA in 1997. He was a Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers (“PwC”) in Hong Kong, Lead Director of the Board of Partners and a member of the Global Board of PwC International Limited.
Mr. Lui has been active in public and community service. Currently, he is Chairman of the Education Commission and a member of the Public Service Commission.
Currently, Mr. Lui is a Director of the Academy of Finance. He is also a member of the Financial Leaders Forum, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Exchange Fund Advisory Committee and Banking Advisory Committee, and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited’s Listing Nominating Committee.
亞洲協會香港中心 董事
By profession, Mr. Moore is an accountant, his career began in banking and included experience, mining, aviation, power generation, special steel, property, infrastructure, tunnels and telecommunications. He came to Hong Kong in 1979 with the Chase Manhattan Bank, and in1987 joined the CITIC group in Hong Kong where he worked for 33 years until 2020, first as finance director and finally as advisor to the chairman. He was a non-executive director of CLP, Cathay Pacific and Hong Kong Telecom. He has long been a board member of the Community Chest of which he was a deputy chairman, served on government and professional committees and is a past president of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong. Mr Moore is a trustee of the Asia Society.
Trust Investment Management Limited 主席
聯合國兒童基金會 受託人
Christine Scott is Chair of Trust Investments Management Limited and Managing Director of Strategy Inc. Limited in New Zealand. Formerly NZ Managing Director with Royal & SunAlliance (now the SunCorp Metway group of companies), she now focuses on corporate governance and consults with businesses in the areas of strategy, marketing, governance and executive development.
Christine has held directorships in numerous financial service companies in New Zealand and Canada, including Asteron Life Limited, Norwich Union and Guardian Assurance Limited. Her not-for-profit experience in NZ extends to trustee positions in UNICEF, the J R McKenzie Trust, The Auckland Kindergarten Association and the Auckland Rotary Foundation. She is also a past Director of the ISI – the organisation representing the financial services sector in NZ (now the Financial Services Council).
Christine was awarded CHFC, CFP, CLU and FLMI financial sector designations in Canada.
香港聯合國教科文組織協會 副會長
Sr. Margaret Wong is a seasoned educator who has led the most prestigious St. Paul’s Convent School for over 25 years. Prior to that, she served as the Principal and Supervisor of St. Paul’s Secondary School for 18 years as well as involved in various community services, including the Wanchai District Board, the Education Commission, part-time member of the Hong Kong Central Policy Unit, board member of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, founding member of the Hong Kong Education University and the Li Po Chun United World College, just to name a few. She was awarded the MBE in 1997 for her contribution to education and community services.
Presently, she is the Supervisor and Principal of St. Paul’s Convent School, the Vice President of the UNESCO HK Association and the Vice Chair of the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council, Manager of St. Paul’s Secondary School, St. Paul’s Primary Catholic School, St. Paul’s Convent School (Primary Section) and Li Po Chun United World College.
Ir. Chan is in charge of building the start-up ecosystem at Cyberport from inspiring the next generation, through nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit, to empowering global ambition, by providing comprehensive entrepreneurship programmes, funding support and partnership networks.
Ir. Chan has over 30 years’ experience in the ICT and technology industry, a chartered engineer, a chartered marketer and a Fellow of Institution of Engineering & Technology (UK). Prior to joining Cyberport, Chan had held various senior positions in global telecom and IT services companies. Ir. Chan has been active in public services including education, industrial training, professional bodies and charitable organisations, and is currently Chairman of Knowledge Management Development Center.
Ir. Chan holds a BSc. (Hon) degree in Engineering from University of London, a Master degree in Business Administration from Manchester Business School, and received Senior Executive Education from INSEAD (France) and IESE (Spain) business schools.
Professor Kai-Ming Cheng is Professor Emeritus at the University of Hong Kong, Hon Director of Education Policy Unit at the Faculty of Education. He was Chair Professor of Education, Dean of Education, Vice-President and Senior Advisor to the President of HKU. He taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Education as Visiting Professor for ten years.
He was a school teacher in Physics and Mathematics, and a school principal, before he pursued doctoral study at the London Institute of Education. He has been consultant with the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, IIEP and ADB. His research started with underdeveloped rural villages in China, India and Africa. He has been involved in institutional evaluation and accreditation, policy discussion and training in various jurisdictions, recently in China, Mongolia, Cambodia, Kazakhstan and Vietnam.
He lectures at the National Academy of Education Administration, Beijing, and SKOLKOVO, Moscow. Since 2013, he hosts the annual Summer Institute: Higher Education for Tomorrow at HKU for senior leaders in higher education from various countries. His current attention is on the fundamental changes in society and their challenges to education, and focusses on learning as the core business of education.
He is on the Global Advisory Boards of various international organisations: National Council for Education and the Economy, (US); Global Science of Learning Education Network (US), and Yidan Prize (Hong Kong, Convenor). He is member of China Education 30 Forum, which is a think-tank cum advocate in China. Locally he was member of the Education Commission and was instrumental in the comprehensive reform which started 1999. He has delivered hundreds of keynotes around the world. He writes columns in Hong Kong Economic Journal Daily and Shanghai Education, and for three years in Escuela (Spain).
Coursera 印度及亞太地區 總經理
Raghav Gupta is the Managing Director of India and APAC at Coursera. He is responsible for growing Coursera’s consumer and enterprise business in the region; thereby bringing the world’s best education to learners. Raghav is also the global business lead for Coursera for Campus, the platform for colleges and universities. In his role, Raghav is responsible for driving impactful partnerships with leading corporate and higher education institutions. Prior to Coursera, Raghav was the India Country Manager at BlaBlaCar, a globally known inter-city carpooling service, helping launch the company in India. He has over two decades of experience in the consumer, internet, and management consulting industries in India, Southeast Asia, and Europe. Raghav has an M.B.A. from INSEAD as well as degrees from the National Institute of Fashion Technology and D Y Patil University.
香港高等教育科技學院 校長
Professor Christina Hong, PhD, is the President of the Technological and Higher Education Institute, (THEi) Hong Kong SAR. THEi (a member of the VTC Group), offers applied degree programmes with strong industry input, incorporating real world project-based learning and applied research components to produce work ready, future ready graduates with an international outlook. Christina has a strong background in educational leadership with an emphasis on organisational change management, curriculum transformation, technology enhanced learning, and teacher praxis across the VPET and higher education sectors. Christina held senior leadership positions in the Australia and New Zealand tertiary education sectors prior to joining THEi in 2017.
Christina is particularly interested in how tertiary institutions are adapting to the challenges of Education 4.0 in relationship to Industry 4.0 and the new world of work, including C21st employability skills. Christina is a member of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET – New Qualifications and Competencies Macro Expert Group. She is co-editor of a Springer book series, Applied degree education and the future of work: Education 4.0 (2020) and Applied degree education and the future of learning (forthcoming).
Peter Mok is the Head of Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. Prior to this role, he held various management roles at HKSTP, including Head of Strategic Partnership and Incubation Programme.
Peter also serves as Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Business Angel Network. He has extensive experience in sales and marketing of technology products, corporate merger and acquisition, venture capital investment, and C-Level executive recruitment. Peter holds a BA (Hons) degree from HKU, an LL.B (Hons) from the University of London, and an MBA from CUHK.
亞洲協會香港中心 行政總監
Alice Mong became the Executive Director of Asia Society Hong Kong Center (ASHK) in August of 2012. ASHK is based in Hong Kong and is an independent non-government organization established in 1990. We are dedicated to providing educational platforms that present balanced perspectives and promote critical understanding of topics that are relevant to Hong Kong, Asia and the region’s role in the world.
Prior to ASHK, Ms. Mong worked in New York for almost a decade in the non-profit sector in senior management position. While in New York, Ms. Mong was the Director of the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) from 2009 till 2011. Ms. Mong left MOCA in July 2011 after successfully transforming the museum from a New York Chinatown institution to become the leading national museum. Ms. Mong also served as the Executive Director for the Committee of 100 in the United States, a Chinese-American non-profit membership organization founded by architect, I.M. Pei and cellist, Yo-Yo Ma. Prior to New York, Ms. Mong worked in Hong Kong from 1992 to 2002. She is a graduate of the Ohio State University and received her EMBA from Kellogg and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Joe Ngai is currently a Senior Partner and the Managing Partner of McKinsey’s Greater China office, which comprises of 700 consultants across offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Taipei. He has led many large-scale transformation efforts for Chinese as well as multi-national institutions. He has advised on various topics including strategy, operations transformation, mergers & acquisitions and organization transformation. He is the co-author of two editions of “Life Insurance in Asia”, a leading publication in its field.
Joe sits on the Council of Advisors on Innovation and Strategic Development for the Hong Kong Chief Executive. He has been appointed to various Government advisory committees, including the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council, the Financial Infrastructure Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and also the Education Commission. He is also a Board Member of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.
He is passionate about social enterprise and education. He is the Chairman of DiamondCab, an award-winning social enterprise, a director of Diocesan Boys’ School Foundation, a director of Phillips Exeter Academy General Alumni Association and a former president of the Harvard Business School Association of Hong Kong.
A HK native, Mr. Ngai received his A.B. in economics from Harvard University as well as his JD and MBA from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School.
Microsoft 香港有限公司 區域科技長
As National Technology Officer at Microsoft Hong Kong, Fred supports policy decision and delivers technologically relevant and scalable solutions into Hong Kong market. His main objectives are to align IT value propositions to public policies in such areas as healthcare, education, the environment, and local social and economic development; and to promote a digital agenda in top policy areas, including innovation, security and privacy, technology neutrality, accessibility, and interoperability.
Prior to Microsoft, Fred worked with Hewlett Packard (HP) Enterprise where he was the General Manager of Software for HPE Hong Kong. Fred is an active veteran in Hong Kong ICT industry, he serves in councils of Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), ITSMF Hong Kong Chapter and Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF).
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