GPC organises a series of programmes and events weekly. No worries if you miss any of the fabulous programmes and events as you can always reviews the recordings. Don’t forget to follow GPC on social media pages and our instant news!
You can also check out our event photos and videos.
【yamNews】UNESCO HK GPC Publishes Findings of Local Views on Education and Talent Development
Link to article (content in Chinese only):
【HKCNA】The Third “Futures of Education” HK&GBA Forum to be Commenced
Link to article (content in Chinese only):
【Capital】「Futures of Education」HK&GBA Forum held at HKPM on 1125
(Content in Chinese version only) Link to article:Click to see
[Press Release] The Peace and Culture exhibition (Chinese Ethnic Minorities) held by UNESCO Hong Kong Association Global Peace Centre at the Central Market promotes Diversity and Inclusion with the multimedia display and AR game
[22 August, 2022, Hong Kong] UNESCO Hong Kong Association Glocal Peace Centre (‘GPC’) organizes the Peace and Culture exhibition at the Central Market from August
[Press Release] “Futures of Education” HK and GBA Forum brought multidisciplinary stakeholders together to reimagine education
Hong Kong, 3 Dec 2021 — UNESCO Hong Kong Association Glocal Peace Centre (“UNESCO HK GPC”) had successfully held the 2021 “Futures of Education” Forum