Internship Experiences

Feedback from interns

We asked our student interns what they think about their internship experiences in GPC. Here is what they’d said!

A cherished memory from this experience was the Intangible Cultural Heritage workshop. It was a captivating journey into the depths of tradition, where I imbibed ancient wisdom and learned to pass it on to future generations. The workshop enriched my understanding and sparked indescribable joy within me. Another unforgettable moment was the grandeur of the Peace School ceremony at Ocean Park. Witnessing the transformative power of education and cultural exchange filled me with serenity and a profound understanding that peace begins with understanding. This internship has become a guiding light, leading me towards a future where I aim to make a meaningful impact on the world!
Josephine Tse
Upon securing an internship opportunity at the UNESCO Hong Kong Association Glocal Peace Centre, I further expanded my understanding of peace through comprehensive online positive peace training. By compiling a report on positive school teacher training and developing materials for peace-related public lectures, I have gained first-hand insight into the dedicated efforts put forth by the center and related stakeholders. During my internship, I spent the majority of my time at the Wan Chai office, where I felt the kindness and patience of colleagues and supervisors, who embodied the concept of peace in their daily work interactions.
Ran Yang
During my time at the Peace Centre, I had the privilege of participating in peacekeeping initiatives and related projects, such as Peace School. These experiences significantly broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of how international non-governmental organizations operate to promote global peace and security. This internship not only expanded my knowledge but also strengthened my commitment to contributing to global peace efforts. The insights and skills I acquired will undoubtedly be instrumental in my future career, and I am excited to apply them in meaningful ways.
Gigi Chui
I found the experience at GPC very fulfilling. I was responsible of revamping GPC's website and designing publication materials with the team. The tasks were interesting as we had to come up with creative but feasible ideas to juice up the design to improve user engagement. Everyone in the team was supportive so as our approachable mentors. The team work resulted in a strong synergy and long-lasting companionship! Not only do we learn numerous soft skills, but we are also building connections and impacting the community through the lens of “peace”. Time flies and I really hope to recapture the summer when I was working with other fellow interns!
Gary Chan
Working at the GPC centre was a rewarding experience. The working environment was really friendly and pleasant, and I received a lot of guidance and support from the seniors in the office. I gained hands-on experience on designing a programme and creating promotional materials. I also experienced communicating with others in a professional setting and understood the operations of an organization. I believe all these experiences and skills will empower me to succeed in my future career. Other than that, I am also extremely glad to be able to make contributions to the community. This internship has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of peace and its importance, and I want to spread these values to the people around me in the future. Thank you GPC for the experience!
Jacqueline Sin
今次internship讓我了解一間國際性組織下的慈善團體是如何運作的。從日常的辦公室後勤行政工作到各種不定時的大型活動籌劃,我都有幸參與其中,得著良多。另外,同事們也給予我充足的支持,加強我的溝通和解難能力,面對難題與隨之而來的壓力也能較沉著地處理,於我而言是頗大的personal improvement。 Internship能令我認識到GPC的理念。我認識到有關和平的各種概念。除了聯合國17個可持續發展目標外,我也首次接觸到對應Negative Peace 的 Positive Peace、8 Pillars of Peace、5 Aspects of Peace等。Internship完結後,我打算完成學士學位課程;來年暑假前往紐約市唐人區區議員辦事處作實習。
Rachel Lam
Being an intern at UNESCO HK Glocal Peace Centre was a wonderful and eye-opening experience. I have always been interested in public policy, international relations, and working for NGOs. Through this internship, I was able to get a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of such organisations. Working on the Futures of Education initiative’s promotional materials not only allowed me to improve on my skills such as proof-reading, editing, translating, etc., but also gave me the opportunity to see the importance of these skills in a real-world context. Skills that I did not think would be that useful, such as scriptwriting, came in handy when I was tasked with writing a draft script for the promotional video. Overall, working at UNESCO HK was a highly rewarding experience!
Natalie Ng
It was an incredibly fruitful and exciting experience to work at the Glocal Peace Centre. Not only was I able to contribute myself to the operations of the Centre, I was also able to combine my passions and hobbies in the process. I especially enjoyed the part where I got to develop an MUN programme with my peer. The seniors in the office were always willing to answer my inquiries, and provided both timely and useful advice. The working environment as a whole was comfortable, and certainly increased my efficiency. Additionally, I was also able to observe the meetings of different seniors and experts coming from different sectors, widening my view of the world and allowing me to further understand the functioning of a city-wide society. All in all, the internship has benefited me in various ways, and I hope I was able to also benefit individuals in the society with my contribution in the Centre’s programme planning!
Grace Tai
I feel very glad to have a chance to work in GPC. The office environment is very relaxing and pleasant. For the interns, the seniors in the office are both teachers and friends. During this internship program, I can attach not only the practical works of culture conservation and education, but also new knowledge and famous people in cultural industries. I think it is meaningful for students. Thank you GPC for giving me a valuable opportunity to internship here.
Canan Chiu
My original intention is to experience what it is like to work in an NGO, in a modern office work setting as I have never experienced it before. And this internship has fulfilled my expectation of what is like to work in an NGO, with its goal dedicated to helping the wellbeing of the general public. Through the numerous tasks I was given, such as designing and organising future events to promote peace and sustainable goals, I am able to make a glimpse into the future of what my working life could be like, for which I am very grateful for.
Lennox Yeung
Thank you GPC for providing me with a great hands-on experience. This was the first time I tried to plan a project related to the 17 sustainable development goals (SGDs), being different from case studies of sustainable development during my degree. I've learned the 17 SGDs more deeply. Apart from supporting the planning of the project, I also gained an experience of designing promotional materials and accomplishing some ad-hoc work, challenging myself. Although some tasks were new to me, it was a perfect time to learn and grow. All of the lessons I've learned here at GCP would be used in all of my future challenges.
Nicole Tse
在申請之初大致期望有機會參與計畫統籌、設計等工作項目,而本次實習工作內容確實令我獲益匪淺,實際接觸的工作種類比預期更豐富,包括行政工作、聯絡、設計工作等等,使得整個實習過程頗為豐富。同時,我們可以確實參與前期計畫籌備,提供個人想法,真實地經歷了某些計畫的誕生,極具成就感。本以為疫情之下將會zoom,但好在都有體會過面對面的辦公室生活。實習過程的自由度很大,同事們也非常友善,從他們身上也學會了不少工作技能,相信對我未來工作也有很大幫助。 最初對於和平的認識停留在「世界和平」等相對空泛的概念之上,並沒有想過和平也有不同層次,而有幸參與準備工作,因此對於和平的認知邊的更加具體化。這不僅是口號,而是行動,透過個人微小的貢獻,最終促成和平。
Eva So
It has been a great experience interning in UNESCO Hong Kong Glocal Peace Centre. They paired me with professionals in many fields and taught us how to work with people in a project. I have a better understanding of how an NGO operates under supervision from senior members. Also, I believe communicate with experienced individuals will provide everyone a blueprint for many things in the future. Ones will benefit from it and the Internship can provide Young people an experience as such.
William Wong
I am very pleased to join the internship program, in which I can meet lots of interesting people. Besides, I can also gain solid experience in writing a proposal for applying funding and a deeper understanding of the development of intangible cultural heritage. I enjoy the process of writing the proposal because brainstorming with other interns about the ideas of proposal content is interesting. This experience consolidated my understanding of importance of team spirit.
Kelly So
I enjoyed working at the mission-driven organisation – GPC. Commitment to community engagement. It gave me exposure to thinking about messaging for many different audiences and through many channels to promote peace, diversity and culture integration which are the crucial elements for building a sustainable peaceful society. This intern helps me to gain real-life experience on what it takes to succeed in my future career. 1. Planning & carrying out my duty effectively to achieve the goals that my groupmate and I was set. 2. Acknowledging that good communication is crucial for making a great team. I made a few mistakes and receive constructive criticism about my work from both your colleagues and my boss. Those advice helped me to improve the quality of my work and get along with others’ working style. 3. Gaining experience of speaking with people in a professional setting.
Wendy Cheung
在這一個多月的實習中,我做了多方面的嘗試,無論是和其他大學實習生一起撰寫計劃書或自行設計宣傳海報,都令我學習到課堂以外的知識,明白到有關和平的工作其實不是所想象中遙不可及,同時亦加深了對和平的認識和理解。 是次實習讓我學了不少工作經驗或者人際關係方面的知識。感謝和平中心的顧問和職員的指導和分享,令我獲益良多,使我的學習過程過得非常充實和愉快!
Christy Lai
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