Get Involved

With generous support from you and our peace partners, GPC can thrive and be dedicated in promoting peace education and community services. You can support us in various ways including but not limited to donation, becoming a peace partner, intern or volunteer!

Become a Coporate Partner

If you are a corporate manager and wish to partner with or support our peace programmes, you can learn more about the content and benefits you would enjoy.

Become a School Partner

If you are a school principal/teacher and wish to partner with our programmes, please click here to learn more about the content and possible benefits to schools and whole personal development of students in peace education.

Become a Partner

Neither a prospective corporate or school partner but still wish to cooperate with us? No worries. Learn how you can partner with us.

Become An Intern or Volunteer

If you are passionate at peacemaking and education, and wish to contribute to or work with us, please join us as either an intern or a volunteer.

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